VCDL Lobby Day-  Watching media intentionally scare monger...

VCDL Lobby Day- Watching media intentionally scare monger...

Lobby day in VA has happened yearly for quite some time now, at least 2 decades. It is quite sad to see the rhetoric the news media portrays gun owners who are taking a stand for our rights. Its especially frustrating to watch a governor, who took an oath to uphold the Constitution, so blatantly disregard it and act as a tyrannical ruler. The bashing of gun owners is apparent, as are the blatant lies by politicians to ram anti gun bills through houses and senates in states throughout the US. The media, some owned by Bloomberg continues to push the lies, and anti rights rhetoric. if you have an opportunity to get in front of news cameras, use it to clarify things, to do right by gun owners.

I know there were many things crossing gun owners minds about this specific lobby day today. Many were wondering if Antifa would actually be standing with gun owners as the VA chapter claimed, or was it a ruse? Will Bloomberg have bussed in actors to cause problems? Will this be a false flag and so on.
The media was even trying to connect neo Nazis from "The Base" to the rally, even though they say they don't know if the men had planned to attend . Media, Trashing gun owners for standing up for the Constitution, it's quite sad. Keep pushing on guys, keep standing up for our rights. Meet with your elected officials, encourage friends and family to get involved. If you haven’t done so, the time is definitely now no matter what state you are in. Correct the media if you can in a respectful manor. Invite them to range days and be polite. It really does go a long way in proving them wrong.

-Mary Callison

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