Changing gun mindset during this pandemic.....

Changing gun mindset during this pandemic.....

I just received yet another message last night informing me of a first time gun purchaser. They are in California, and it took them two weeks to get a gun, but they got it. She shared that her hubby had taken their son to the range and are working on education all around. It shouldn't take a pandemic or any other major event to get people to realize just how important the right to bear arms is, but it is great to see people wake up. NOW after all is said and done, lets hope their mindset has been changed fully and they not only vote differently but get involved with activism and fighting for their rights.

If you have new gun owners in your life, HELP THEM. Do not berate the people who are now trying to buy a firearm. Use this time to educate, to get them the right training, the right gear to safely carry and store. Share with them educational materials, groups, and if they have children, help them get children trained in gun safety and education. Come together to help them see that more gun restrictions and laws will do nothing to stop violence.

-Mary Callison

Check out the Bearing Arms article on wanting a gun during this time.

"Something Must Be Done" - The anti-freedom crowd battlecry..... revisiting thoughts from 2016

"Something Must Be Done" - The anti-freedom crowd battlecry..... revisiting thoughts from 2016

Identity Politics

Identity Politics