Be ever vigilant in the fight for your rights

Be ever vigilant in the fight for your rights

I had the pleasure of talking shop; i.e. the stalemate in the KS legislature as far as gun bills are concerned this session at a local Chamber Banquet this evening. It was good to catch up with Blaine and hear what he had to say about the wholly unconstitutional Red Flag Laws being promoted nationally and the laws already on the books here in Kansas to address this issue without unlawfully removing firearms from citizens without due process.
Do I ever take a night off of Second Amendment work? No. Vigilance is the price you pay for liberty.
Thank you for your continued support for our inherent right to defend ourselves, State Representative Blaine Finch, Speaker Pro Tem, District 59.
I look forward to working with you.
#politicing #2amendment #vigilance #kansashouseofrepresentatives #magc #educationequalsempowerment #prepared2protect #arepublicifyoucankeepit #hometownpolitics #itstartsathome #allpoliticsarelocal

Do you know where your Kansas Senator & House Rep. stand on Red Flag Laws? Ask them about SB 245 & HB 2425 Don’t wait, get involved today!

-Rebecca Schmoe

It "grinds my gears" too as a mother and sister to a survivor of violence.

It "grinds my gears" too as a mother and sister to a survivor of violence.

The Gun Culture: A Culture of Respect

The Gun Culture: A Culture of Respect