Anti Gun Groups Will not save you..... #prepared2protect

Anti Gun Groups Will not save you..... #prepared2protect

Anti gun groups are not here to save you, they are not here to defend you, and they will not be there in your time of need. They exist to trample your rights, keep you unsafe, and if we are truly honest, they defend the attackers. One example of them siding with the attacker is the most recent school shooting… but I digress...

Summary: Anti gun groups are not pro women, pro safety or pro rights. They are Pro attacker, Pro anti rights, Pro women becoming victims because EWE guns are icky.

Be #prepared2protect

-Mary Callison

Your opinion about inalienable, inherent, natural, God-given rights is 100% irrelevant.

Your opinion about inalienable, inherent, natural, God-given rights is 100% irrelevant.

What Joe Bidens Executive Gun Order WONT do....

What Joe Bidens Executive Gun Order WONT do....