Be #Prepared2Protect

Be #Prepared2Protect

Being #prepared2protect yourself and your family with the most effective and efficient tool available, a firearm, is a magnificent start.
But, what are you doing to be prepared to protect your right to own and carry that firearm?
Learning gun safety and proficiency will mean nothing if you stand by and passively watch them pass law after law to limit the effectiveness of your self defense.
Yes, it was settled in 1791. Yet, here we are nevertheless drowning in infringement laws.
It’s time to defend yourself at the ballot box, the statehouse, and in the public square. Government cannot revoke your inherent rights, but they can and do restrict them.
Get involved, stay involved!
1 Million Moms Against Gun Control

-Rebecca schmoe

"You are your own first responder" (and maybe someone else's)

"You are your own first responder" (and maybe someone else's)

Link to our previous website with all archived blog posts!

Link to our previous website with all archived blog posts!